Cystitis is a disease accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane and walls of the bladder. This disease leads to a gradual deterioration of the body's functions. According to statistics, women are more susceptible to this pathology than men. According to official data, cystitis is diagnosed in 0. 8% of men over the age of forty.
The relatively low prevalence of cystitis in male patients is related to the structural features of the urethra. It is longer in men than in women. Therefore, it is more difficult for the infection to enter the bladder.
In most cases, the pathology develops against the background of obstruction of the bladder outlet. This involves subvesical compression of the bladder, which prevents the free passage of urine.
Causes of cystitis
To reduce the risk of cystitis in men under the age of 40, you should carefully follow the rules of intimate hygiene. After reaching this age, the urinary system of the stronger sex is more susceptible to the development of various pathologies that can damage the walls and mucous membrane of the bladder.
Cystitis in men is the result of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, testicles and urethra. There are other causes of this disease:
Urological problems that cause retention of urine in the body (very narrow urethra).
Prostate adenoma.
Diverticular disease.
Infectious diseases transmitted through intimate contact. These include gonorrhea and chlamydia.
Prostatitis, inflammation of the urethra, vesiculitis. The listed diseases can cause pathological changes in the functioning of the bladder.
The presence of a mechanical obstacle (especially the formation of a stone).
He underwent urological surgery in the recent past.
Malignant neoplasm in the urethra or prostate gland.
Localized infections in the upper respiratory tract. If a patient is sick with ARVI or tonsillitis, bacteria can penetrate the organs of the genitourinary system through the systemic blood flow. Thus, cystitis can be the result of any infection (regardless of its location).

In some cases, the disease develops due to pyelonephritis or renal tuberculosis. The latter usually occurs without obvious symptoms and is accompanied by fatigue, weakness and a slight increase in body temperature.
About 90% of the world's inhabitants are carriers of the infection. Many people often reduce immunity due to alcohol consumption, long-term stress, eating unhealthy foods and smoking for a long time. Due to the above factors, the transition from the latent phase of bacterial activity to the active phase occurs. As a result, it damages not only the lungs, but also other organs:
prostate gland;
In some cases, when cultured with Koch's bacillus, a false negative result is obtained. An infectious disease disguises itself as another (less serious) pathology. This leads to failure to prescribe the correct treatment in time.
There are other factors that lead to a decrease in immunity: increased blood sugar, hypothermia, chronic lack of sleep, injuries to the spine.
Symptoms of cystitis in men
In the acute stage of the disease, a man should often empty his bladder. In this case, when visiting the toilet, a very small amount of urine can be released.
There may be sharp pain when emptying the bladder. As a rule, pain occurs at the beginning and end of urination. Their expression may be different. Pain sensations can be either tolerable or severe. In the breaks between trips to the toilet, men feel discomfort in the penis, groin and groin area.
Body temperature often rises with cystitis. Signs of general intoxication may appear. The man feels a constant lack of strength and complains of headaches. If such symptoms appear, hospital treatment is recommended.
Sometimes the disease is severe, gangrenous and hemorrhagic cystitis may occur. The urine produced is cloudy. You may see mucous or bloody inclusions in it, and it has a putrid, unpleasant smell. At the same time, the amount of liquid secreted by the body during the day decreases to 0. 3 liters.
As the disease becomes chronic, the pain becomes less intense. The urine no longer contains bloody impurities, but it may still contain mucous compounds. In addition, chronic cystitis can turn into an acute stage at any time.
The causes of the disease may be:
There are several ways to get a bladder infection:
To ascend.In this case, the infection penetrates the bladder from the external environment.
Declining.The infection enters the bladder from other organs (especially the kidneys).
Lymphogenic.At this time, an infection of the bladder is observed through the lymphatic vessels.
Hematogenous.If there is a purulent focus in the body, the infection can spread through the blood stream from this problem area. It then enters the bladder.
Non-infectious causes of pathology should be noted:
an allergic reaction that causes an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the bladder;
deterioration of the functions of the nervous or immune systems;
chemical burn - due to a medical worker's mistake, the wrong medicine prescribed by the doctor may be given to the patient;
participating in radiation therapy sessions that involve exposure to the pubic region.
Diagnosis of the disease
If you detect at least a few symptoms of cystitis, you should not postpone a visit to the urologist. After a comprehensive examination, the specialist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.
To make an accurate diagnosis, a man is recommended to undergo the following diagnostic procedures:
Urogenital smear.This procedure is designed to diagnose latent sexually transmitted infections.
Bacterial culture.This analysis is necessary to determine the type of pathogen and determine its sensitivity to certain drugs.
Conducting a general urine test.In the presence of inflammation, an increased content of red blood cells and white blood cells will be detected. An acidic urine reaction indicates the presence of tuberculosis infection in the body.
Carrying out cystoscopy.An informative diagnostic procedure can be performed only in the absence of an acute stage of the disease. Stones, tumors and other foreign bodies can be detected during cystoscopy. If necessary, biomaterial is collected for additional diagnostic procedures.
If you experience constant urinary retention and intense sharp pain, you should be careful when using painkillers. In this case, the representative of the stronger sex should be hospitalized immediately.
Basic recommendations for the treatment of cystitis
During the treatment of the disease, patients should follow the following recommendations:
Maintaining bed rest.Antipyretic drugs are indicated for high temperature. It is also necessary to remember about the correct drinking regime. Moreover, patients should temporarily exclude sour and smoked foods from the diet and follow a strict diet. When preparing food, you should use a minimum of spices and seasonings.
Use of herbal medicines.Doctors often prescribe herbal teas with antibacterial and diuretic effects. Such products contain natural ingredients (horsetail, bearberry). Preparations based on medicinal plants are used to reduce the strong inflammatory process. Drink cranberry juice to boost your immune system. When using herbal remedies, it is impossible to achieve a quick effect. Such products require long-term use. Herbal medicines are not considered essential. They are used only as part of the complex treatment of cystitis.
Conducting PCR diagnostics.It is required to detect sexually transmitted viruses. The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor (taking into account the type of pathogen).
Drugs with analgesic properties.Antispasmodics are recommended to relieve pain. In some cases, the appointment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is indicated.
Taking drugs with a clear antibacterial effect.Such drugs are prescribed after determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to the prescribed drugs. Cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones are actively used in the treatment of cystitis. Such drugs are used only after consulting a doctor. However, their usage period should not exceed 1 week.
Help with an acute cystitis attack
In the acute stage of cystitis, it is recommended to drink a lot of fluids to alleviate the patient's condition. Activates the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the patient's well-being will gradually improve.
In advanced forms of the disease, the best option is to take antispasmodics. Such drugs help to reduce the tone of the smooth muscles located in the bladder area. Analgesics are used to relieve pain.
It is strictly forbidden to take antibiotics without a urologist's prescription. This can lead to distortion of the results of diagnostic studies. As a result, it will be significantly more difficult to determine the cause of the disease. If you try to get treatment without consulting a doctor, you will only be able to temporarily eliminate the main symptoms of the pathology. In addition, the risk of cystitis becoming chronic is high.
Existing risk factors
The risk of cystitis increases in men:
with irregular bladder emptying;
vitamin deficiency;
maintain a sedentary lifestyle;
unprotected sex;
frequent change of sexual partners;
prolonged overwork;
the presence of a foreign body in the bladder;
wearing uncomfortable underwear;
the presence of chronic diseases of the male genital organs;
decreased immunity.
Complications of the disease
You should not try to treat cystitis on your own. In the absence of proper treatment, the following consequences may occur:
Changes in the structure of the bladder.Against the background of epithelial degeneration, this organ gradually loses its elasticity and its size decreases significantly. One consequence of cystitis is the loss of tissue regeneration. This can result in bladder rupture.
Kidney damage.The most common complication of untreated cystitis is pyelonephritis. A more serious consequence is the development of kidney failure. This occurs against the background of severe intoxication of the kidney tissue with waste products of pathogenic microorganisms.
Weakening of the bladder sphincter causes incontinence.This complication is mostly diagnosed in elderly patients.
Depression against the background of the disease becoming chronic.Recurrence of cystitis can occur several times a month. At this time, the man becomes a "hostage of the toilet", his psychological condition deteriorates significantly.
Note!In the absence of proper treatment, the risk of the disease becoming chronic is quite high. At this time, both the bladder and other organs of the genitourinary system are damaged.
How to prevent the development of the disease?
To minimize the risk of developing the disease, you should follow these recommendations:
Wash yourself at least once a day. In this case, it is recommended to use a simple baby soap that does not contain dyes and other harmful synthetic components.
Prefer clothing suitable for the weather. Against the background of hypothermia, not only cystitis, but also more serious pathologies, which are the cause of infertility, can develop.
It is good for both partners to wash with soap before and after sex.
Use condoms during intercourse.
Focus on increasing your own immunity. This is especially true when a representative of the stronger sex is often susceptible to ARVI. If the functions of the immune system are disturbed, you should consult an immunologist.
Do not try to hold back urination. Rapid development of bladder infection is possible with long-term urinary retention.
Change your underwear every day.
Drink enough fluids.
Avoid wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics.
Wash from front to back after bowel movements. Otherwise, the bacteria will be transferred from the intestines to the external male genitalia. From there, pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate into the urethra and then into the bladder.
Follow the recommendations to prevent constipation.
Do not take medicine without a doctor's prescription.
During an acute attack of cystitis, it is recommended to drink about 2 liters of fluid per day. Berry or fruit juices, blackcurrant juice and still drinking water are ideal for these purposes. It is recommended to forget about drinks containing alcohol and soda for a while.
Sometimes osteopathic methods are used in the treatment of cystitis. This speeds up the patient's recovery process.
If indicated, the use of acupuncture methods is indicated. They are intended to affect specific biological points. This technique has a minimal number of contraindications and side effects.